
East Haven – Help Needed

Hi there we are looking for host/facilitator coverage for the month of August for the Friday afternoon meeting in East Haven.  If you are able to assist, please let me know: (I’m having some health issues which are expected to continue a little longer than expected which is why I am asking for help. Thanks!)

A visit to the new Thursday night meeting in Hartford

A new meeting on Thursday nights in Hartford started in mid-May, and Carol and I went up to say hello last Thursday. It’s in the Mt. Sinai rehabilitation hospital at 500 Blue Hills Avenue in the north end of Hartford. There’s free parking in the visitor lot across Blue Hills Avenue from the hospital, and a crosswalk to get to the main entrance. The security desk can direct you to the meeting. It will probably be downstairs in Pulmonary Conference Room A. This was a little hard to find as there were notices taped up over room names. There was a busy civic association meeting going on in the main auditorium just down the hall.

We had a very nice, brightly lit, private room, and a motivated meeting host. Thanks to the hospital for providing the space. We should see the meeting grow as we get the word out.

There’s also a Tuesday night meeting at CCAR.

Spot the SMART Recovery mile marker at Walk the Walk for Recovery

TriCircle, Inc., a new treatment program, will be holding its first “Walk the Walk for Recovery” at Community Lake Park, 291 Avenue, Wallingford, CT 06 from 9 AM to 4 PM on Saturday, May 6, 2017. (Rain date is Saturday, May 13.)

SMART Recovery will have a mile marker during the walk.

Walker registration costs $10. If you raise $25 in donations you’ll receive a free t-shirt. More information at

Annual DEA National Take-Back Initiative coming up on April 29

The annual DEA National Take-Back Initiative will happen from 10 AM to 2 PM on Saturday, April 29.
You can find more information and a link to search for a local collection site at Many local police departments participate.

A recent paper ( found that collections such as this don’t do much to reduce the availability of diverted prescription drugs, probably because of low participation, so encourage your friends and family to clean out their medicine cabinets. Interestingly, these collections do act as an effective way of recycling over-the-counter medication.

If you want to run your own collection in Connecticut, you’ll need a one-day hazardous waste disposal permit (